“Just Dandy” Goat Milk Soap - Dandelion~Chamomile
4 Ounce Bar (Note: handmade product. Size/weight may vary)
Like a walk through the front yard on a spring morning, dew kissed yellow dandelions popping up through the green grass after a long winter.
All Natural & Farm Fresh Ingredients:
Goat Life Farm’s Raw Goat's Milk, Shea Butter, Saponified Dandelion infused Olive, Almond, Coconut,Avocado,Rice Bran,Castor Oils, Chamomile.
Dandelion infused olive oil ~ Dandelions contain age old healing properties for your skin, anti-oxidants and Beta-Carotene.
Dandelions have detoxifying properties along with anti- inflammatory properties.
Chamomile~ posses many powerful skin properties such as: anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antibacterial.